Union Pine's Policies and Procedures page

Policies and Procedures

Media Center Etiquette:

Students are required to have a pass in order to come to the library during class periods or lunch. While students are welcome to read or study in the library during their lunch period, they are not allowed to eat in the library. 

Checkout Policy:

You may request a book by logging in to the Viking Research Catalog and placing a hold on the book. You may pick the book up from the media center at the end of the school day. Your student ID card serves as your library card or you may tell the librarian your PowerSchool number and/or name. Materials are checked out for 14 days and may be renewed once if there is not a hold on the item.

Overdue Materials:

Students with overdue material are not allowed to check out materials until the overdue materials are returned to the library. There are no fines for overdue books. All students should return all library materials and/or pay all lost book fees by the end of each school year. Graduating students are required to return all library materials and/or pay all fines before they graduate.

Chromebooks & Technology:

You and your parent/guardian must sign a permission form and pay the annual technology fee for each school year in order to pick up a Chromebook. Remember to handle your Chromebook with care, any fees for damaged or lost Chromebooks will be added to your student account.

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Contact Us:

Virginia Baker
Library Media Specialist
[email protected]
Cyndi Smith
Media Technology Assistant
[email protected]
  • Union Pines High
  • 1981 Union Church Road, Cameron, NC 28326
  • 910-947-5511
  • 910-947-5117
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