Brittni Sanborn, Career Development Coordinator
Career Development Opportunities available to help with student support:
Job Shadowing/Internship, Career Awareness Fairs
Industry Tours, Community Based Learning Experiences
Provide Special Services for the special population
College Tours/Information, CTE Tutoring
Preparatory Service:
Assists students with selection of appropriate academic and CTE courses. Coordinate career planning activities in classrooms, groups, or individual sessions. Provide and coordinate administration and interpretation of career assessments. Provide information on post-secondary education programs and employment opportunities. Assist students with post-secondary education and employment opportunities.
Transition Services:
Facilitate work-based learning opportunities. Provide and coordinate activities for students to develop employ-ability skills. Promote the integration of career research and work-based learning opportunities into CTE and academic courses. Promote the use of technology for career planning and research.
Facilitate business, education, and community partnerships that provide opportunities for students and support CTE. Serve as a liaison with the business, industry, education, and military community. Publicize partnership resources.